News & Updates

Marco Tapia

November 24, 2009

Off shoring - Why bother?

Looking a bit further than the "rate" provided by off shoring services, you find a very deep pool of other issues that need to be considered before off shoring… and then you wonder, why bother? Unless your project is huge and demands enough ...

in management-it-consulting

David Booth

November 16, 2009

Exchange 2010 has launched!

Microsoft [] has recently released the new version of Exchange Mail Server 2010. As with each new version of Exchange new features are added and it's very nice ...

in it-support

Guido Tapia

November 10, 2009

Game of Life in JQuery

Hi All, I've just done a tutorial video on JQuery, I chose to hack together a quick version of the Game of Life ['s_Game_of_Life].  This tutorial aims to show how JQuery can help you modif ...

in software-engineering

Marco Tapia

November 5, 2009

IT Disaster Recovery Plans may be dead

PicNet Users Group - 22nd October 2009 Topic: Disaster Recovery The PicNet Users Group meets quarterly, bringing together CIOs and senior IT managers of large Australian companies to informally discuss impo ...

in management-it-consulting

David Booth

November 4, 2009

Agile Software Development & PRINCE2

The majority of projects that I have managed have been software development [] projects. At PicNet we use an agile software development methodo ...

in it-support

David Booth

October 28, 2009

Anyone attend VMware vForum 2009 in Sydney??

I've just come back from spending 2 days at the biggest virtualization forum in the ANZ region for 2009…the VMware vForum! I must say that the event was huge with over 2500 attendees and over 60 technology vendors with their products, solut ...

in it-support