David Booth
February 19, 2010
[/images/riverbed-logo.jpg]https://picnet.com.au/blogs/david/files/2010/02/riverbed-logo.jpg After working with the Riverbed Steelhead Appliances for a number of years now I thought I would s ...
in it-support
February 24, 2010
The topic of the last PicNet User Group [http://picasaweb.google.com/PicNetIT/PicNetUsersGroupMeeting218thFebruary2010#] meeting was on Business Continuity and Resilience. The discussion in this meeting revolved around the importance ...
in it-support
February 25, 2010
Following my previous blog post on Business Continuity [https://picnet.com.au/blogs/David/post/2010/02/25/Organisational-Resilience-in-Business-Continuity.aspx], I would like to continue today on the same th ...
in it-support
July 3, 2012
It has been over a year since IBM launched its public cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Smart Cloud Enterprise (SCE) [http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/en/cloud-enterprise/] and over three months since PicNet moved its extern ...
in it-support
July 25, 2016
Having being involved in several office moves and projects to setup IT services in the new office, I have seen some moves that have gone fairly smoothly and some moves that have been very challenging. In this blog entry I will share some of my tip ...
in it-support
October 24, 2016
The shift from "traditional" IT to cloud IT is well and truly underway. Many public, private organisations and government agencies are moving a part or all of their IT systems into the cloud. The move to the cloud has resulted in ...
in it-support