It Support

David Booth

February 19, 2010

Riverbed Performance Optimizations - Beyond the default Configuration

[/images/riverbed-logo.jpg] After working with the Riverbed Steelhead Appliances for a number of years now I thought I would s ...

in it-support

David Booth

February 24, 2010

The Business is Essential to Business Continuity Planning

The topic of the last PicNet User Group [] meeting was on Business Continuity and Resilience.  The discussion in this meeting revolved around the importance ...

in it-support

David Booth

February 25, 2010

Organisational Resilience in Business Continuity

Following my previous blog post on Business Continuity [], I would like to continue today on the same th ...

in it-support

David Booth

July 3, 2012

IBM Smart Cloud Enterprise

It has been over a year since IBM launched its public cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Smart Cloud Enterprise (SCE) [] and over three months since PicNet moved its extern ...

in it-support

David Booth

July 25, 2016

Some Tips for a smooth IT Transition into a new office

Having being involved in several office moves and projects to setup IT services in the new office, I have seen some moves that have gone fairly smoothly and some moves that have been very challenging. In this blog entry I will share some of my tip ...


in it-support

David Booth

October 24, 2016

Cloud is changing the IT Professional's Skills

  The shift from "traditional" IT to cloud IT is well and truly underway. Many public, private organisations and government agencies are moving a part or all of their IT systems into the cloud. The move to the cloud has resulted in ...


in it-support