GWT (And other such projects). However this is an extreme solution to this problem I personally like Javascript and don’t really want to stop using it unless there are clear advantages on a project. So some of the tools I use and look interesting are:
- Google’s Closure Compiler : Adds some type safety to your beast (with annotations)
- FireBug : Don’t leave home without it
- DOM / Ajax Helper Libs (jQuery, dojo, prototype, closure libs, etc): A must for cross browser development (I personally use jQuery as it seems to have won the popularity contest and regardless what the ‘hardcore’ tell you, this is actually very important)
The next generation of JS IDEs are also very exiting, leading this list are:
- WebStorm
So Notepad++‘s domination of the js development world may be comming to an end soon. Ahhh I actually have dreams of accurate type inferrence in real time for a JS IDE.
Software Development Manager