
Marco Tapia

July 27, 2009

The NBN - Australian National Broadband Network – It will be fantastic

The NBN planned by the Australian Government will just be a fantastic piece of infrastructure that will enhance business, education, entertainment, health, communications, security, etc. It will be a fundamental underlying infrastructure t ...

in productivity

Marco Tapia

August 11, 2009

Top 10 Technologies replacing the need for extra labour - Jobless recovery

A lot has been said about the economic recovery after the GFC. They ("the experts") talk about a jobless recovery, i.e. a recovery without extra people or a recovery that may delay for a while the employment of people and hence unemploymen ...

in it-management productivity

Marco Tapia

October 13, 2009

Web 2.0 - what is it? A practical and realistic definition of Web 2.0

After reading many web sites, discussed with peers, IT professionals, Marketing people, etc, I think I have come across to best possible definition of Web 2.0 I attended an AMCHAM seminar by Dominic Thurbon from the ...

in productivity

Marco Tapia

May 14, 2012

Productivity isn't everything, but in the long run it's nearly everything

Productivity is the efficiency with which an economy (or a company or a business unit) transforms inputs into outputs. At a high level, improved production efficiency can generate higher real incomes and lead to long term improvements in t ...

in productivity

Marco Tapia

January 22, 2013

Technologies and skills that can enhance or diminish productivity

Productivity is doing more with less or doing the same faster and/or cheaper. So, the removal of inefficiency means increase of productivity. Implementing new business systems, using some new technology effectively, improving technology related sk ...

in it-management productivity

Marco Tapia

February 14, 2013

Offshoring is finally dead !

Offshoring is finally dead. ! Well, according to Gartner (Predict 2013) and my own experience by talking to business people returning from a bad offshoring experience; there are strong indications that offshoring is struggl ...


in it-management productivity