Management It-consulting

Marco Tapia

June 23, 2009

7 years

PicNet [] has reached 7 years in business, providing IT Managed Services to medium and large corporations in Australia. Its founder (Marco Tapia) is very proud to share this blog with news, events, announcements an ...

in management-it-consulting

Marco Tapia

June 23, 2009

PicNet IT Managed Services

IT Managed Services is the practice of transferring day-to-day related IT management responsibility as a strategic method for improved operations and focus on core business. PicNet [] prov ...

in management-it-consulting

Marco Tapia

June 24, 2009

Please keep sending IT work off shore…. I need a new car!

It's fascinating to see company after company send IT work off shore in search of "cost savings" that many times result in the opposite. I have been in IT Management roles for 23 years and for the last 7 running my IT services firm. I talk ...

in management-it-consulting

Marco Tapia

September 14, 2009

Spam - is it a real problem? More than 90% of emails are spam.

At PicNet we managed service a number of corporate environments, and at some, we have installed Google email filtering powered by Postini (that we resell rebranded as Risk shield email protection). At others, we have Sophos and also GFI MailEssent ...

in management-it-consulting

Marco Tapia

September 30, 2009

New web site for PicNet - 50 reasons why you need a web site

We have produced a new web site for PicNet [] including a refreshed corporate image, look and feel. Our top notch web designer, the creative and the development teams have put together a great web site to ...

in management-it-consulting

Marco Tapia

October 22, 2009

A CIO can help the corporation to increase revenue

In the past, IT was a significant expense and seen as a necessary evil. Later, it became "an enabler," helping organisations make processes more efficient and in many cases, increase productivity by removing costly labour from the process. ...

in management-it-consulting