It Management

Marco Tapia

June 30, 2009

Recruiting permanent/full time IT staff may not be the way to go if your core business is not IT.

Is Information Technology (IT) your core business? The reason why most users bypass or hate the internal IT department is because they are always too busy to do what they are supposed to do i.e. service their customers. Why ...

in it-management

Marco Tapia

July 20, 2009

Unemployed CIO (IT Manager)? - I can see a great future ahead of you...

Unemployed CIO (IT Manager)? - I can see a great future ahead of you… Top skills that CIOs/IT Managers need to acquire. There is no secret that right now that CIO's employment opportunities are in very short ...

in it-management

Marco Tapia

August 11, 2009

Top 10 Technologies replacing the need for extra labour - Jobless recovery

A lot has been said about the economic recovery after the GFC. They ("the experts") talk about a jobless recovery, i.e. a recovery without extra people or a recovery that may delay for a while the employment of people and hence unemploymen ...

in it-management productivity

Marco Tapia

August 17, 2009

IT Managed Services - when and why?

IT Managed and Support Services - is the practice of transferring day-to-day related IT management responsibility as a strategic method for improved operations and focus on core business. Typically, the customer remains accountable for the functio ...

in it-management

Marco Tapia

August 27, 2009

Do you wonder how to complete an IT project on time?

Have you ever wonder about the feeling of completing an IT project on time? Believe it or not, there are a good number of examples where IT projects have been completed on time, on budget and as per agreed specifications.</ ...

in it-management

Marco Tapia

July 2, 2012

A fantastic shift is occurring in IT Management

For a while, there had been predictions of the death of the internal IT department. Wrong! There had also been predictions about the death of the IT Manager and CIO. Wrong! What is just occurring, in my view, is a fantastic shift, a ...

in it-management