It Infrastructure

David Booth

July 23, 2014

Wireless Network Rollout for Retail Premises

In the past 9 months we have been involved in a project to roll out Wireless network infrastructure to a large retail chain. I thought I would share some of the technical aspects of the project to help anyone that may be contemplating doing someth ...


in it-infrastructure wireless-networking

David Booth

December 5, 2014

When WANs "half fail"

Have your Internet or WAN links ever performed below the advertised specifications, but because of a lack of evidence and/or performance statistics, you were unable to prove it? Well, we recently faced such an issue and I would like to share with ...


in it-infrastructure networks

Marco Tapia

June 21, 2021

Modern Enterprise Systems Architecture

The world has changed. Technology has changed. Twenty-five years ago, we did not have the internet. Now, we could not live without it. Enterprise systems used to be larg ...

in advisory-training business infrastructure-as-a-service it-infrastructure it-management it-support management-it-consulting management-and-it-consulting-blog software-as-a-service software-engineering

Marco Tapia

September 21, 2021

PicNet, a Digital Transformation Innovator

Awarded by Diligent September 2021 ANNOUCEMENT PicNet awarded the Diligent award in the category Digital Transformation Innovator On behalf of everyone at Diligent, I am pleased to cong ...

in business it-infrastructure it-management management-it-consulting microsoft-azure